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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:31:27
Related Programs
COMPS bolsters existing in-situ measurements and modeling programs funded by various state and federal agencies. For example, COMPS will complement the federally-funded program known as ECOHAB (Ecology of Harmful Algal Blooms). A grant from the Office of Naval Research will enable COMPS collaborators to augment the offshore observing array with two additional moorings off Sarasota County that report via satellite. The data from these two moorings will be integrated into the comprehensive COMPS data stream. In addition, ECOHAB will have eight other current meter moorings off Sarasota County which will provide insights into the physical oceanography of, and sediment transport over, the West Florida Shelf.
In June of 1998 Florida's Ports Council voted to provide funding to expand the COMPS network to the Yucatan Channel. The plan which they approved calls for the installation of meteorological buoys with acoustic doppler current profilers and coastal sea le

相关节目comps枕现有的实地测量和建模节目经费由国家和联邦机构. 例如,联邦comps将补充资计画称为ecohab(赤潮生态学). 补助海军研究办公室将使comps合作者增加境外两个观测阵列 另外,泡过萨拉索塔县通过卫星报告. 从这两个数据碇将纳入综合comps数据流. 此外, ecohab将有八个电流表泊客萨拉索塔县后将窥物理海洋学、 泥沙比、西佛罗里达陆架. 1998年6月在佛罗里达州的港口会投融资提供了网络扩展comps尤卡坦海峡. 他们计划通过呼唤安装与气象浮标及声学多普勒海流剖面沿海 一级计量体系的东西方的尤卡坦海峡. 来自古巴、墨西哥海洋科学家正在合作,并商定以维持这些系统的一部分 comps网络. 当这些系统都到位,科学家将进行首次 有实时信息的主要平流投入墨西哥湾. 数值模拟和预测能力的流通模式的基础上,普林斯顿海洋模型 已发展为整个西佛罗里达陆架, 同边界延伸至境外密西西比三角洲向佛罗里达钥匙. 这一模式已成功地模拟过去的事件和风暴潮耦合的comps将实时数据 在临近小溪办成/预报模式. 海面温度和海洋水色资料,从西佛罗里达陆架定期收集我国遥感实验室能 结合在原地产出模型提供的数据和综合分析海洋环境.