
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 12:34:01
一、 教学形式多样化
歌、游戏、歌曲、Chant等多种形式激发学生的学习兴趣。让学生在唱唱跳跳,轻轻送送中学习英语。例如:在巩固复习图形的环节中,我设计了游戏“Listen and show”让学生根据我的指令,迅速拿出相应图片。在新授补充的单词diamond 和oval后,我又设计了一个Chant,通过对机器人身体各部位的描述,来巩固对所学图形的操练。无论是儿歌、Chant还是歌曲,从课堂效果来看,学生还是比较感兴趣的,这样既避免了反复地诵读记忆单词的枯燥无味,又运用了这些词汇进行了交际练习。
二、 学用结合 融会贯通
在新授句型I need这个教学环节时,我设计了一个Rhyme,让学生将所学图
形组成日常生活中熟悉的动物或物品,并用I need的句型,以Rhyme的形式说一说,练一练,感觉新颖奇特,富有童趣。这个活动既巩固了学生对英语形状的掌握和对所学句型的运用,又能使学生始终保持学习的兴趣,并体现了由浅入深,由易到难,层层推进的语言学习规律。

The teaching design of this stanza lesson mainly carries through to learn convenient, use a high school, learn to use to combine of English teaching thought, the body takes student as center now, the teaching principle of the activity Guan whole distanceses.
One, the teaching form be diverse
Aim at the junior class student's age characteristics, I made use of a multimedia to establish certain teaching scene and pass son
Song, game, song, Chant etc. various forms stir up the student's interest in the study.Let the student be sing to jump, lightly send in study English.For example:In the consolidation review the link of sketch, I designed the game"Listen and show" to let student according to my instruction, quickly take out to correspond a picture.After lately teaching complementary single phrase diamond and oval, I designed a Chant again, pass the description to robot each part of body, make stronger to the drill of sketch learn.Regardless is a son s