
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 01:24:39

验货合格 Inspection passed 或 Checking of products up to standard
款到发货 payment before delivery(出货前付款)

货到付款 :payment after delivery
成品检验Checking of finished products
检验,检查inspection, check
商检commodity inspection

验货合格 goods have been endorsed或者inspection passed
(验货单独来说应该是 qualify inspection,或者是goods checking,合格则是meet the requirement,)

款到发货 dilivery the goods upon recepit of payment

···到就···则应用介词upon,比如货到付款:payment upon recepit of goods,
还有你这里的款到发货dilivery the goods upon recepit of payment


the products are accepted.
the products will be dispatched once the payment is made.

inspection passed.
deliver the goods upon receipt of payment

验货合格 commodity inspection has been accepted
款到发货 delivery after payment received

验货合格The product is up to standard.
款到发货The s