
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:35:22

The boss called an employee into his office. "Bob," he said, "you have been with the for a year."You started in the mailroom, one week later you were promoted to a sales position,and one month after you weree promoted to manager of the sales department. Just fou short months later,you were promoted to vice president. Now it is time for me to retire, and I want to make you the new president and the new CEO of the corporation. What do you say that?"
"Thanks,"said th employee.
"Thanks?"the boss replied."Is that all you can say?"
"I guess not." the emplyee said ."thanks,Dad!"

一天,某公司老板把一位职员叫到自己的办公室.让他坐下后,老板便开口说:"我说,鲍布,你跟我也一年了吧?" "是的."职员随声应答. "想当初,你刚来公司时,是从收发文件做起的.但是,仅仅一个星期后,我就把你调到销售部门工作.又过了一个月后,你就当上了销售部经理.这之后你一路凯歌,到我提拔你当副总裁也只是短短四个月以后的事."说到这,老板顿了顿,接着感叹道:"哎,岁月不挠人哪.现在我要退休了,我想把总裁位子让给你,并让你兼任公司新的首席执行官.好了,现在让我听听你想说些什么." &qu