谁能帮我翻译一下Le Mieux化妆品公司的介绍

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 15:12:09
Bielle Cosmetics specialize in unique formulae resulting from extensive anti-aging and cell growth research. The company offers a unique and comprehensive range of products combining the latest break-through in natural, herbal and botanical ingredients with innovative state-of-the-art formulae. Our high tech youth preserving products keeps us at the forefront of a constantly evolving beauty care industry. At Bielle Cosmetics, we take pride in providing quality products and excellent customer service.

Bielle Cosmetics is owned and operated by highly trained individuals in the skincare industry. All of the founders are scientist and visionaries in the skincare industry. Their commitments are focused on creating quality scientific based skincare products. Our company's greatest asset is our research and development team. Our team consist of chemists, cell biologists, physicians,and pharmacists. Our success relies on the ability to formulate products through scientific and m

Le Mieux 致力于使用最新的科技配方来生产和研究人体表皮细胞抗衰老和皮肤表皮细胞生长和更新方面.


Le Mieux 一直以来为美国顶级的化妆品作原料和配方,因此Le Mieux 的皮肤保养产品一直走在皮肤保养领域最前面

Le Mieux的目标是用最完善和研究的设备提供最好的产品.

Le Mieux 的生产工厂坐落在美国的加利佛利亚洲

Le Mieux 由美国国内顶尖的皮肤保养科学家、细胞生物科学家、美容医生、药剂师等组成.他们运用最近的生物研究课题来制作最新最有效的皮肤保养品,而不是其他公司那样通过传统的过滤萃取増稠等方式来提取或者组合保养精华,
因此即使是同样成分的美容保养品,因为Le Mieux 公司的设备和生产过程能够保证生产出来的产品的纯度远远高于其他产品,所以他的效果也远远大于同类品牌,因此在美国属于销售价格比较高档的美容化妆品。