
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 05:27:21

escapes from prison a play absolutely is hottestimmediately, most lets the soap opera which the person hoped for. With formerly different, this kind of absolute man plays for what likethis receives the women pursues holds, I thought not merely is becausecompact attracts person's plot, but also has is the character which inthe play enters the stage no matter the angel perhaps the devil allhave makes one sigh with emotion, touch the heartstrings the carefulemotion, such floods the violence, the crime by sentimental threading,is sinister and so on the element dramatic work allows nature to takeits course by everybody is accepted and ins a stew for it. Most wants said is may the happy gate (killman)


Undeniable, escapes from prison a play is absolutely immediately hottest, most lets the soap opera which the human hoped for �? With formerly was different, this kind of absolute man played for what like this received the women pursues holds, I thou