
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:19:27


The agriculture in Mexico is not quite prosperous, and their food provisions can't be self-sufficient for quite a long time, thus the domestic consumption depends on import greatly. The fishery in Mexico is flourishing; there are complete industry varieties, but the development is unbalanced; the energy source, mining, metallurgy and manufacturing industries are comparatively developed. Mexico is the largest country of petroleum production and exporting in Latin America and possesses 13 in the world,thus this industry occupies an important position in its national economy. Besides, tourism with Top one position in Latin America is also one of the major sources of foreign income.

Mexico the agriculture be not flourishing, food long-term can't be self-sufficient, domestic consume severity dependence import:Mexico catch fishery flourishing;The industry door is well-found, but development unbalance.At the energy, the mineral industry, metall