谁知道! (困扰)和(凌乱)两个词语英语怎样拼? 急急!!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 02:12:35

困扰:puzzle(n.v.) feaze(v.) worry(n.vi.vt.) obsession(n.)
凌乱:disorder(n.vt.) tousy(adj.)

Ⅰ动词1.(陷在艰难痛苦中或受环境、条件的限制无法摆脱) be stranded; be hard pressed: 内外交困 beset with difficulties both at home and abroad; 为病所困 be afflicted with illness2.(控制在一定范围里; 围困) surround; pin down; besiege; hem in; encircle: 把敌人困死在据点里 bottle up the enemy in his stronghold3.[方言] (睡) sleepⅡ形容词1.(疲乏) tired: 困乏 tired; fatigued2.(疲乏想睡) sleepy: 你困了就睡吧。Go to bed if you feel sleepy.

in disorder; in a mess; untidy; messy: 凌乱不堪 in a fearful mess; in a state of utter confusion; 凌乱的头发 unkempt hair