
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 17:13:44

China's auction industry is a young industry, and in recent years the rise in the auction business generally shorter history. In the tide of economic reform and opening up markets, the auction industry is experiencing a gradual development, expand and improve the process. The business operations in the auction process, subject to various subjective and objective factors, the auction easily lead to the emergence of risks. These risks directly or indirectly caused auctions to be conducted smoothly, and could even lead to legal disputes. Auction of risk prevention, the most important thing is to strictly follow the "Auction Law" and the relevant legal regulations, strictly implement every aspect of the auction activities seriously for a comprehensive and detailed manner, in good faith first. improve service to customers based. Only in this way will it be possible to lower the risk and reduce losses, and promote the healthy and rapid development of the auction business.