我想的问是课文里出来的一个 造句子题

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:19:04
the owner of a shop wanted to see how polite hie assistant were--
dressed as a tramp--went into his shop--asked to see a suit--was thrown out/
这个问题我不知道的地方很多 比如说我不知道 第一个句子里的(how polite hie assistant were)这个我不知道因为我不知道 最后一个were是干什么用的 还有一个是(dressed as a tramp)这个是什么意思呢/
麻烦大家能给我解释一下 给我举一个例子做一个好吗,谢谢 我是一个自学者麻烦了/

how polite hie assistant were 这句是一个宾语从句,要用陈述句语序.你查一下语法书句子部分,会有的.how是个程度副词,his assistant were very polite 中的very就是程度副词,修饰形容词polite.如果对上句中的very提问的话,就是how polite were hie assistant ?这个你肯定知道的,但是要用陈述句语序,陈述句语序就是要主谓宾结构的,但特殊疑问词要在句首,而且how这里要与形容相连,所以就变were在后面喽~~~
dressed as a tramp是穿的想个乞丐. tramp是衣衫褴褛的意思,就是乞丐啦

The owner of a shop wanted to see how polite hie assistant were,so one day he went into hia shop and dressed as a tramp.He asked to see a suit,but the assistant considered him as a tramp and could not afford a suit,then the ower was thrown out.