
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 15:43:00
Tell us about a book that you like.

My favorite book

There are way too many good movies, foods, songs, musical artists, etc. to narrow down a favorite of each, but I recently finished what's become my absolute favorite book: A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving. I've heard good things about this book and I've enjoyed other John Irving novels in the past, so I asked for Owen Meany for Christmas last year. I finally got around to starting it this summer, and about halfway through book, I decided it had potential to being my favorite book ever. Irving is consistently able to depict dynamic characters in such a way that makes them easy to imagine, easy to relate to and in some cases easy to fall in love with (figuratively, of course). If a book can make me wish it's characters were real people, it's got to be pretty good.

To me, Owen Meany is a perfect combination of spiritual, comical, political and heartbreaking. I actually took out a pen a few times and starred or underline