
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 09:24:21

Very pleased to receive your letter. Yes it is going to be very enjoyable experience and I think I shall go to visit you in Canada one day, which is going to be the most wonderful thing. I look forward to that day. As to blog, it is a good idea but I do not want to do it now--maybe I am too lazy. However I always keep an eye on your blog and I hope you could write more about your mood. I am fine as well. Have you decided what to learn yet? You are very diligent and I think you will learn well no matter what you choose. However this is helpful for us to improve ourselves.

I'm so glad that I recevied you letter. Right, it's a really good experience for me, I think I'll go to Canada to visit you someday, that's the best.
I hope that day come soon. About the blog, that's a good idea, but I don't want to do it now, maybe I am a lazy man, but I'll watch you blog, hope you can talk more about your mood.
I'm good too, are you sure want