
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 17:19:32
明星葡萄酒业有限公司,积极顺应21世纪绿色健康消费的潮流,秉承中外酒文化的精华,以促进人类健康为主旨,以打造酒中明星为理念,引进意大利全套先进生产线,聘请国内一流酿酒师刘宝生先生为技术总顾问,拥有领先、精湛的生产设备和酿造技术。公司本身拥有3000亩酒用葡萄生产基地,不仅酿造所用赤霞珠葡萄为国际优质名种,水源为山区深层积岩天然矿泉水,且从引种、栽植、管理、收选等诸个环节,全部由专业技术人员按着绿色要求进行严格的指导和监管,实施全过程规范化生产,确保从健康的源头开始,为您酿造 放心的明星干红。

The Tianjin star grape wine industry limited company, is located in
the Tianjin Ji Xian as beautiful as a painting green jade screen lake
Nanan, here mountain range fluctuation, the ocean waves ten thousand
area units, with the French Bordeaux with place north latitude 40
on-line, throughout the year are distinct, have the production liquor
to use the grape most ideal climate and the soil. The star grape wine
industry limited company, positively complied with the 21st century
greens health expends the tidal current, receives the Chinese and
foreign liquor culture the essence, take promotes the human health as
the primary intention, take makes in the liquor the star as the idea,
introduces the Italian complete set advanced production line, the
invitation domestic first-class brews alcohol Shi Liu Bao to live
gentleman is the technical military adviser, has is in the lead, the
exquisite production equipment and brews the