
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 14:39:01
 Plates shall be supplied in Normalized / Annealed condition(退火).
 Plates shall be fully killed.
 UTS shall not exceed 80000 psi.
 No negative tolerance on thickness.
 Carbon content shall not be more than 0.23% maximum.
 Carbon equivalent: 0.45% Max for SA 516 Gr.60
0.4% Max for BS EN 10028-3, P275 NL2
 MTC must cover details like Heat, Cast & Plate number, Chemical properties (Laddle & Product Analysis) including carbon eq., Physical & chemical properties (Tensile, Yield, Elongation, charpy-V impact), Ultrasonic test results, Cycle of simulation PWHT & Mechanical Test coupons results of Simulation PWHT in 3 (three) conditions (single SR & double SR for shell/stiffener plates & normalizing + SR for plates of dished ends) in addition to the test results in as rolled condition of plate.
 Impact Test temp. -46 deg.C

Plates shall be supplied in Normalized / Annealed condition(退火).
Plates shall be fully killed.
UTS shall not exceed 80000 psi.
=Ultimate Tensile Strength极限抗拉强度不高于80000帕
No negative tolerance on thickness.
Carbon content shall not be more than 0.23% maximum.
Carbon equivalent: 0.45% Max for SA 516 Gr.60
碳当量最大:0.45% 对应 SA 516 Gr.60
0.4% Max for BS EN 10028-3, P275 NL2
最大:0.4% 对应 BS EN 10028-3, P275 NL2

MTC(不知道)必须包括以下资料:热处理,铸造及钢板号,化学成分(腐蚀及成分分析),包括碳当量,物理化学性能(抗拉强度,屈服强度,ELONG功,V 型试样冲击功),超声波检车报告,模拟热处理工艺及相应的模拟条件下对应的3种机械性能测试(1.一次SR(不知道)2. 对表面硬化的钢板2次SR 3.对端部弯曲的板正火加SR),并追加卷板的检查报告。

Impact Test temp. -46 deg.C
Vacuum degassing required for plates above 50 mm thk.
UT as per SA 578 Level 1.
超声波探伤应按照 SA 578 Level 1(一级标准)