请翻译下这诗‘‘1 2 3 4

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 11:00:31

The sunny sites of spring appearing, Daffodils opening, pansies smiling. Then suddenly sun turns to rain in my brain, the pain is insane, the river slowly shrivels up into mud, then the sudden down pour of my lonely heart turns to a flood! and covers my long lost luv!

Knife's are falling all around, with you dodging up and down, Then you think is there any point dodging when my life's not worth living, then you stop and the knife's stop falling, then you move and then, there again! Life is so confusing, when you stop choosing, then by surprise one hits you from the side, as you lay there in pain, no on cares for you but yourself in vain. Your friend walks in and sees you there all they can do is stop and stair, slowly but surely they start breaking down in deep despair!!

The storm arrives!!
The flashes of lightning strike down the little matchstick trees, as the rain falls like gods tears.
A crash of drums; a flash of light from God

1雨过天晴遗址春天开始出现,水仙开,丹枫微笑. 忽然孙轮番雨脑袋里,疼痛是疯子, 河水缓缓枯萎成泥, 然后突然浇下来,我孤独的心化为洪水! 涵盖我国早已失去咯!
2刀的巫师四周,与你逃废上下起伏 那么,您认为有任何一点逃废当我的人生不值得生活, 然后你停刀的停降,然后你才提出,然后再有! 生命是如此混乱,当你选择停止,然后突然一命中,你从那边 正如你躺在地上痛苦,无论是关心你,但你是徒劳的. 你的朋友为伍,看到你们都可以做的是,停止和楼梯 慢慢开始打破,在深深的绝望! !
3风暴来临! ! 闪光的雷击下来的小火柴的树木,随着雨象神的眼泪. 撞车的鼓点; 闪光灯的光线从神明相机百叶窗目光. 水流各地土地作为海贪婪地成长. 房子像沉没的铁达尼倒进深处. 灯已经熄灭; 销毁命中! 公车到达像挪亚方舟,他们来来去去,来来去去, 采集人摆去,孩子哭了,为失去的玩具和他们的记忆, 不知何时再次微笑.母亲和父亲拥抱和亲吻的孩子,他们认为他们已经永远失去.
4如果你杀鲸,我希望你脸色苍白, 正如你慢慢越吃越准备的杀死我希望你泄漏你空洞的心充满了泪水往th e鲸鱼正如你脸色苍白! 因为它对有过了一会儿,她loverlyblubbery皮肤不用辛苦,那么你首先blubbering, 你是弱智惊! 你看看它的大眼睛,就可以听到它的文物保护和呼声, 它标志着你想死!

oh~~~year~~~~~oh year~~~~~~oh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~