
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 05:42:13
2.3 分析中国大学生英语学习动机

(1).拿到大学毕业证书,得到铁饭碗; 8%
(2). 能够获得一个好的工作岗位,得到较好的物质生活待遇; 32%
(3).为将来出国做准备,把英语学习当成出国的跳板; 25%
(4).拥有一技之长,以便能够在社会上很好地立足; 23%
(5).自己对本专业学科的内容有浓厚的兴趣,希望通过深造发挥自己的才能; 12%
调查结果发现,当代大学生的英语学习动机呈现出多元化的发展趋势。而且,各项动机占有学生的人数都有一定的比重,并非仅仅集中在某一项或某几项。为了研究方便,我们依照动机的社会意义和个体意义的强弱,把 大学生的英语学习动机分为三个层次:

2.3 analyzes the Chinese university student English study motive The university student English study motive content, presentsthe diversification along with the campus life diversification thedevelopment tendency. Regarding this has April carried on aquestionnaire survey in, 2007 to the Petroleum university students,takes back asked volume 100, effectively asked volume 100, presentlycarry on the analysis according to the result: (1) Attains the university diploma, obtains the secured job; 8% (2). can obtain a good work post, obtains the better materiallife treatment; 32% (3) Will go abroad for the future prepares, will regard asEnglish study the springboard which will go abroad; 25% (4) Has the professional skill, in order to can base well inthe society; 23% (5) Own have the strong interest to this specializeddiscipline content, hoped through pursues advanced studies to displayown ability; 12% The investigation result discovered that, the contemporaryuniversity student's English