请某位好心人帮我翻译一下,OK?急求!!! 4月12日——英语短剧大赛

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 01:38:48
 4月12日——英语短剧大赛
2007年4月12日星期四,我系承办的英语艺术节短剧比赛在信教101举行。今天参加比赛的选手分别来自:经管系、社工系、政治学系、外语系、社科系以及魔幻英语社。评委是来自我系的三位资深教授:周常明教授、高翔教授、王仁源教授。参赛剧目从《大话西游》到《哈利波特》。最让人赏心悦目的就是我系的《剧院魅影》,无论是在服装、道具,还是演员的表情、动作、台词,都令评委和同学们印象深刻。 最终前三甲由外语系、魔幻英语社以及政治学系获得。在所有参赛选手结束表演后,我系周常明教授为此次比赛做了一系列的点评,对于同学们能够积极参与此次英语艺术节感到十分高兴,也对于同学们的表演印象深刻,同时也希望全校的同学们都能够开口说英语,将英语视为一种兴趣。最终,此次英语艺术节在今天的英语短剧比赛后,拉下帷幕。

On April 12, 2007 Thursday, I am the undertaking English art festivalshort drama competition am being religious 101 holds. Today attendsthe competition the contestant respectively from: Has control over is,the social engineering, the political department, the foreign languageis, society the branch is as well as evil spirit imaginary Englishsociety. The appraisal committee is comes the self- department threesenior professor: Week Professor Chang Ming, Professor Gao Xiang,Professor Wang Renyuan. The participative plays "Swim from Boast" to"the Harley Baud". Most pleasant is my department "Theater DemonShade", regardless of is in the clothing, the stage prop, or actor'sexpression, the movement, the lines, all make the appraisal committeeand the schoolmates impression are profound. Finally front 3rd bythe foreign language is, evil spirit imaginary English society as wellas the political department obtains. Ended the performance after allparticipative co