来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 05:24:56


Organization Executive Course. An executive training course and its associated policy in HCOPLs, Hubbard Communication Office Policy Letters, collected into a set of eight large numbered green volumes, also called the "Green Vols." A person knowing the data in these volumes fully and applying it could completely reverse any down-trending statistics, or even a bring back a failing company, Hubbard says.

The oxygen evolving complex is a water oxidizing enzyme involved in the photooxidation of water during the light reactions of photosynthesis. The complex can exist in 5 states: S0 to S4. Photons trapped by photosystem II move the system from state S0 to S4. S4 is unstable and reacts with water to produce oxygen.