完成句子:1.爱迪生在科学方面作出了很大贡献。Edison___the science.

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 22:23:44
2.迈克来中国以后交了许多朋友。Mike___since he came to China.
3.人类必须爱护地球。Man must___the earth.
4.查一下你们是否都有了飞机票。____you have gotthe air tickets.
5两国有许多共同之处,他们一致认为无论发生何种情况都应该相互支持。The two countries have many things___and they are in ___that they should support each other___happens to them.
6.我们班主任已经宣布,如果不下大雨,篮球是不会延期举行的。Our head teacher has___that the basketball game won't be __it rains heavily.
7.他默默地在雨中行走,浑身上下都被淋湿。He was walking in the rain___,and was wet ___.
8.这种产品的价格取决于它的质量而不是它的大小。The price of this kind of product___its quality___its size.
9.老师们对克服电脑编程中的困难提出了两个方案。The teacher___with two solutions to___the difficulties in computer programming.
10.我不能忍受熬夜很晚。I___staying up so late.
11.他很幸运要在那儿进行六个月的英语课程。He is___there for his___English course.

1.made contribution to
2.has made many friends
3.take care of
4.check if
5. . . .
6.said . put off...
7.quietly . ...
8.based on . insyead of
9.came up. solve
10. ...
11. ...

10. hate