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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 10:10:48
3.其他辨证方法是八纲辨证的具体深化 。

寒热往来 ---- 正邪相争
胸胁苦满 口苦咽干----肝胆经气不利
心烦 ---- 邪扰心神
喜呕 不欲饮食 ---- 胃失和降
目眩 ---- 少阳风火相煽
脉弦 ---- 肝胆为病

1. 8 Hanlun analysis of the disease is the common method of differentiation, executive Jane Fan Yu, the broad outline for the role. 2. 8 program between the antagonistic ties with dialectical thinking expand into the right condition proof feasibility, practicality. 3. Differentiation is the other eight Hanlun specific deepen. Cold-failed between competing hard for Chest bitter mouth-throat adverse hepatobiliary nerve gas by the evil interference-lovers - do not want to vomit-eating stomach disharmony down piece-Shaoyang building service personnel is precisely Wiry-for hepatobiliary disease