
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 02:51:17

间接引语 用自己的话转述别人的意思,或引用自己说过的话,

He said that his hands were quite full at that moment.


1) 转述陈述句或感叹句去标点符号和引号,用say that接宾语从句,said后,从句中要作人称、时态等相应的变化。

She said, “I am going to the market.”
She said (that) she was going to the market.

“What an interesting novel!”she said.
She said that it was such an interesting novel.
2) 转述一般或反意疑问句去标点符号和引号。用if/whether接宾语从句,改用陈述句语序。从句中要作人称、时态等相应的变化。

He asked,“You are a native, aren't you?”
He asked (me) it/whether I was a native.

3) 转述选择疑问句,去标点符号和引号,接whether...or引导的宾语从句,改用陈述句语序,从句中要作人称、时态等相应的变化。

He said,“Is this car Mr. Green's or Mr. Brown's?”
He asked (me) whether that car was Mr. Green's or Mr. Brown's.

4) 转述特殊疑问句,去标点符号和引号,由原疑问词引导宾语从句,改用陈述句语序,从句中要作人称、时态等相应的变化。

She said,“Where are you going?”
She asked (me) where I was