各位帮帮忙吧 瞎编就成了 回答。

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/01 01:58:44
1 If a classmate asked for the answer to a question during an exam what would you do?
2 If you could be another person for a day who would you be?
3 How often do you watch TV and what are your favorite programmes?
4 When did you last cry and why?
5 If you could be invisible for a day what would you do?
6 If you had one wish what wold you wish for?
7 Tell us about one thing your parents won't let you do?
8 Are you proud to be Chinese, if so why?
9 If your friend id something wrong would you lie to your teacher to protect them?
10 If you could meet any famous person dead or alive who would it be?
11 Is there anything you'd like to change about yourself?
12 If you met George Bush what would you say to him?
13 Do you think that film stars and sports stars are paid too much?
14 How much money do your parents give you every month, is it enough and how do you spend it?
15 Would you ever get a part time job to earn s

1.I won't tell him the answer
2.Lei Feng
3.I watch TV every day,my favorite programme is Dong Hua Cheng.
4.Last year,because my favorite theacher was badly ill.
5.I'll sleep all day .
6.I wish to be a singer.
7.They don't let me stay up late.
8.Yes.because China is a good country.
9.No .
10.Mao Zedong
11.No,there's nothing I'd like to change about myself
12.I'll say nothing,because I don't like him,I hate him.
13.Yes,I do.
14.About 50 yuan,I think it's enough,I usually use it to buy books
16.Man,because I'm a boy,we can talk about football and some sports.
17.I'll buy a lot of books and food.
18.Eighteen,there's nothing reason.
19.I don't have any bad habit.
20.I like my father better.
21.Maybe I'll be a teacher
22.Playing football with my father during the weekends.
23.Playing and study.
24.No ,I never speak to