
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:27:07
Early computer-using firms attempted to justify their data processing systems based on displaced clerical costs, but they failed to carry through with the termination of unneeded employees. More success was achieved in striving for increased efficiency or increased return on investment. Today, it is extremely difficult ton place a dollar value on the output of the information-oriented CBIS subsystems such as MIS, DSS, and knowledge-based systems. Instead, more weight is placed on subjective measures.
A CBIS evolves through stages-planning, analysis, design, implementation, and use. These stages are called the system life cycle and can be carried out by the user alone or by the user working with information specialists. Even when systems are developed jointly, it is the manager who is responsible for each life cycle phase.
When a manager decides that a system is no longer performing as it should, the system life cycle can be repeated or a more broad-based reengineering appro

预处理后排除假货的物体,minkowski-bouligand法,这是用来计算分数维概况 是采用了一种宏观规划基于形态学早期使用电脑厂商试图把其数据处理 系统基于流离失所办事员费用,但他们没有携带通过与终止unneeded雇员. 更重要成果是在争取提高效率或增加投资回报率. 今天 这是极为困难的地方,一吨一元价值,对输出的资料导向cbis子系统如MIS系统 直,并以知识为基础的系统. 反之,更重的是放在主观措施. 一cbisevolvesthrough阶段规划,分析,设计,实施和使用. 这些阶段是所谓的系统生命周期,还可以进行由用户独自或由 用户工作的信息专家. 即使系统联合开发的,它是经理人负责各自的生命周期阶段. 当一名经理人决定的制度,不再履行它应有 该系统寿命周期可重复或更广泛的重组的方式可以采取.