
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 20:30:53
四 租金:乙方应在每月5号前一次性交清一个月店租.租金为RMB___,如乙方不按期交付店租,甲方有权单方终止合约,收回店租并违约处理.
五 店铺租用期间,政府一切营业费用由乙方承担.
六 乙方在租用期间内,不得将短扑转租给他人或借与他人使用,应爱护租用店铺及所有设施,讲究环境卫生,不得随意拆改店铺设施,如确需安装设施或装修店面,必须事前征得甲方统一.租用期满后,乙方应将店面原油设备归还,如果损坏(自然磨损除外)应按损失程度作价赔偿.
七 乙方不得在租用店铺内从事非法活动.同时,乙方应作好租用店铺的安全工作,遵守消防规定.如违反规定,发生事故应由乙方承担一切经济损失和法律责任.
八 乙方如有特殊情况,确需中止合同,应提前两个月与甲方商量,可以提前中止合同,但应付甲方当期一个月的店租以补甲方的损失
九 乙方需在____年__月__日,支付店面转让金2万元给甲方,款清合同方生效.
十 本合约一式两份,甲方乙方各一份.自订立日起生效.

Please Gaoshoubangbangmang. . . Help me to translate this buyer will be located in the city ____________ a shop leased B use. By mutual agreement entered into the contract are as follows : 1 : Shop purposes : B lease for the shop after _____. during the tenancy shall not arbitrarily change the use, and if change of use, and the buyer must advance shops, and the levy after the buyer agreed to be converted to use it. 2 : Hire deadline : buyer agreed to the use of premises leased to B, for the period from _____ _____ to rent after the expiry of the B side should take the initiative to return unconditionally to shop buyer. not an excuse for occupation, such as the B side would continue to hire buyer can shop at the time of rental under the same conditions, priority consideration. 3 : shop deposit : Party A Party B to be delivered RMB___ shops deposit, refunded upon the expiry of the contract. If B is a breach of contract, buyer the right to confiscate the deposit for compensation to the