
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 11:15:35
层次责任理论 (Levels of Responsibility Theory)
利益相关者理论 (Stakeholder Theory)

With China's market economy developing rapidly, enterprises growing economic strength, large enterprises the social problems caused widespread concern and worry. At present, many enterprises in China to its social responsibility understanding is far from enough, on corporate social responsibility and understanding study also be further strengthened. Based on theoretical level responsibility and stakeholder theory, In today's changing social environment for enterprises to analyze the importance of social responsibility. Enterprises from the corporate social responsibility of economic conditions, revealed enterprises must fulfill their social responsibility and make corporate social responsibility to achieve the policy proposals.

Follows our country market economy the swift and violent development,enterprise's economic potentiality is more and more big, the bigenterprise causes the social question has aroused people's universalinterest and worried. But present ou