
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:37:47

[关键词] 工伤赔偿 商业人身损害赔偿 民事侵权损害赔偿 缺陷 完善

Abstract ] This article first (compensation) and so on the elementarytheory makes the brief summary from the injury on job and with itcorrelation workers' compensation insurance, harms relational, theinjury on job compensation and the general civil right infringementdamage compensate relations through the elaboration injury on jobcompensation and the commercial person, discovers our country presentinjury on job compensation system existence the question and proposed11 consummations suggestions, how this article emphatically does studyreasonably fills the injury which the injury on job possibly brings,how determines the injury on job civil compensation and workers'compensation insurance compensation being suitable in particular. Theauthor suggested, when solution industrial accident, must provide themain compensation origin by the workers' compensation insurance,simultaneously retains suffers injury the staff to obtain the civilcompensation the right, the civil right infr