
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 17:10:57
Case Study
Plow & Hearth, a national catalog distributor of high-quality, country-theme home furnishings and accessories, recently implemented a slotting system in its distribution center. In 2000, they mailed more than 55 million catalogs, which resulted in sales exceeding $100 million. They will grow to 4 different catalogs and $150 million in sales this year. Their 300,000-sq.-ft. distribution center contains pallet rack for storage of non-conveyables and reserve (overstock), decked rack for full-case picking/replenishment, and two pick modules. The pick modules contain carton flow rack, decked pallet rack, and shelving.

Plow & Hearth uses PkMS, Manhattan Associates’ WMS, and needed a tool to balance the work within and between the two pick modules and to improve overall picking productivity. They selected SlotInfo, Manhattan’s profiling product, as their profiling tool, and Sedlak Management Consultants to guide them through the implementation process.


案例研究耜&壁炉旁,一个全国经销商目录高素质的农村题材家具及配件, 最近实施的一项制度,插在其分布中心. 在2000年,他们寄出超过55万catalogs,导致销售额超过200亿. 他们将成长到4种商品目录和150万美元的销售额今年. 其30万平方尺,4.- 配送中心包含机架托盘为存储非conveyables和储备(库存积压),加盖机架全案采摘/补给, 和两辆卡车单元. 接单元包含纸箱流动货架,加盖托盘货架,搁置. 耜&壁炉用途pkms,曼哈顿的同伙'wms, 而且需要一个工具来平衡工作,以及它们之间的两辆卡车单元,并提高整体复苏 生产力. 他们挑选slotinfo曼哈顿的貌相产品,因为它们的profiling工具 塞德拉克和管理顾问,引导他们通过实施进程. 几个步骤,还需要为新档制度. 同时,slotinfo软件装有仓库的地图资料,项目数据,项目初步安置. 项目,没有信息尺寸测量案件测聚集收到的项目或出售的 案之间的接口指令输入系统和pkms需要校正,确定是否能正常运转标准 孔径是建立在每个仓库面积和储存媒体类型下,犁&壁炉,曼哈顿的同伙 塞德拉克和管理顾问携手建立档限制和目标. 规则这些准则包括: 存放一周供应库存各活动地点摆放快动项目中心水平的 机架流量将加速运动项目接近的运输机在接模组架子和封盖机架ba lancing活动中挂满货架走道及纸箱流量单位建立不同领域的项目具有特殊处理requ 钟,如非conveyables,chaiselounge座垫,皮鞋