
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 17:37:59

New Beijing, Great Olympics
The 2008 Olympic Game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout Beijing ever since Beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 Summer Olympic Games, yet the focus should be shifted from making a promise to fulfilling the promise made.
In my point of view, to bridge the gap between the promise and reality, Beijing still has a long way to go. Infrastructure construction should be the primary concern. Rome was not built in a day. To carry out the promise of “New Beijing, Great Olympics”, deeds speak louder than words.

The Olympic Games
The Olympic Games, or Olympics, are an international multi-sport event taking place every four years and comprising summer and winter games. Beginning in 776 BC, they were originally held in Olympia, Greece until 393 AD. In 1896, they were revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Frèdy, Baron de Coubertin, thus beginning the era of the Modern Olympic Games.

The Summer Olym