200分求翻译 机译的别来。 谢谢

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 06:52:56
周一就要。大家帮帮我啊 谢谢了 机器翻译的别来。


对策 社会 文化对策

关键词: 商业贿赂 商业贿赂犯罪 潜规则 危害 治理对策

第四节 商业贿赂存在的政治体制原因
第四章 治理商业贿赂犯罪的有关对策
第一节 治理商业贿赂的法律对策
1 治理商业贿赂犯罪的法律规定
2 治理商业贿赂法律规定中存在的有关问题
3 治理商业贿赂犯罪的有关立法完善
4 加强对商业贿赂犯罪的专项治理
第二节 治理商业贿赂的经济;政治;社会;文化对策
1 完善公司制度,加强公司;企业及个人信用体系建设
2 完善社会主义市场经济体制
3 完善社会主义政治体制
4 治理商业贿赂的社会对策
5 治理商业贿赂的文化对策
是自己写的总是自己写的 不是自己的 总不是自己写的。
我等着呢 其实我也不懂得 等等有懂得的人帮我看

As the introduction of the "PRC Criminal Law Amendment (6)", commercial bribery is concerned by society again. People generally have high hope for the amendment to play its role what it should do, to hold back a growing trend of commercial bribery. Because the unfair competition of commercial bribery has damaged the country's market economic order and the legitimate rights & interests of consumers, and to some extent has induced the public officials into the crime of bribery. It is so serious that the people extremely hate and think it should be punished as soon as possible. But the mere introduction of an amendment is not enough to excellent effectiveness, it is naive.;for the existence and status of commercial bribery is caused by various factors; but factors of laws and the market system, also the political system should not be included into account. Taking the commercial bribery characteristics and the status as a exerting point, this article is to di