
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 11:39:51
项目作为一种受时间、成本限制的一次性任务,在多变的外部环境、激励的竞争压力、快速创新的要求的影响下,其概念变得越来越广泛。项目管理的方法也在不断的创新,从开始的CPM(关键路径法)和 PERT(计划评审法)技术,到广义的网络计划技术,再到借助计算机技术产生的项目管理软件,管理功效不断提高。目前市场上存在300多种项目管理软件,侧重方面各有不同,适用项目也不尽相同,如何为企业和项目选择最适合的软件成为一个关键问题。本文综合介绍了项目管理软件的基本功能,着重分析比较了Primavera system公司的Primavera
Project Planner 、微软公司的Microsoft Project 2000 和梦龙公司的MrPert三款软件在网络图生成、进度管理、资源和费用管理方面的特点。最后为不同类型企业和项目选择软件提出建议。

The project accepts one time mission that time , cost restrict as one kind , whose concept becomes more and more broad under innovative request effect competing for pressure , the fleetness stimulating in the changeful outside environment. Project administration method can't innovative ceaseless , (the plan judges CPM (key route law) and PERT from beginning trying the law) technology, to broad wide network planning techniques, effect improves again unceasingly to drawing support from the project administration software, administration that computer art produces. The marketplace mounts existence at present more than 300 kind project management software, puts particular emphasis on aspect having diversity respectively , the project suitable for use is also be unable completely identical , the most suitable software how to choose as enterprise and the project is accomplished Three softwares generate Primavera of Primavera system company Project Planner , MrPert of
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