
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 13:56:07

British cooking the stress of work in the United Kingdom is the fried fish dishes, as the most high-grade, That is because the last century-not long-term preservation of the fish, they come up with 1:00 could not put off the fish fry, made into canned or semi-universal joy to the British fast food That has created a special picture, housewives who do not care about whether they will cook food cooking, but whether it will open a variety of canned British draft meals for different areas and differences in Scotland, people often eat lettuce; In the United Kingdom North, when cooking dinner, the meal they always kept their tea, Only a 21:00 followed by the fourth meal. it is really a dinner like the British tea drinking milk and what the British think the time is tea time Please guests tea is said to the distinguished British women often do boast of her husband, "Good morning, my husband gave me tea cup twice, or even the British folk support "to 11.0, the highest I wish good