
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 04:06:23
贫穷与艾滋病毒/艾滋病相互关连。贫穷是导致使人们较易感染艾滋病毒的行为的一项重要因素,贫穷加剧艾滋病毒/艾滋病的影响。虽然在贫穷国家爱滋病仍然造成了大量的人员死亡,但是却比十几年前好了很多了,因为为引起国际社会对贫困问题的重视,动员各国采取具体扶贫行动,宣传和促进全世界的消除贫困工作,1992年12月22日,第47届联合国大会根据联合国第二委员会(经济和财政)的建议,确定每年10月17日为“国际消除贫困日” (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty) ,要求各成员国宣传和促进全世界消除贫困的工作,采取具体的扶贫行动。这帮助了一些贫穷国家改善了生活条件和医疗情况。也使一些国家爱滋病感染率趋于稳定或有所下降。

Poverty and HIV / AIDS interrelated. Poverty is to make it easier for people infected with HIV one of the important factors increased poverty HIV / AIDS impact. Although AIDS in poor countries still have a large number of deaths, but 10 years ago than a lot of good. because of the international community to the problem of poverty of attention, and to mobilize all countries to take concrete action to help the poor. promote and facilitate the eradication of poverty worldwide, on December 22, 1992. The 47th United Nations General Assembly under the Second Committee (Economic and Financial) of the proposal designated October 17 as "International Day for the Eradication of Poverty" (International Day for the Eradication of Poverty) called on the Member States to promote and accelerate the eradication of poverty around the world, to take concrete action to help the poor. This has helped a number of poor countries to improve the living conditions and medical conditions. Some coun