
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 09:10:34
Discuss what you would like to do this Sunday. Reaching a conclusion can be difficult because each of you is feeling indecisive and has obligations. 讨论你周末想要作甚么,结局要很难决定,因为你们都很犹豫而且都有要事! 写一段两人的英语对话谢谢!!


John: Hi, Dave, it’s so good to see you here, I was about to call you.
Dave: What’s up?
John: Would you like to join the badminton tournament羽毛球比赛 this Sunday?
Dave: sure. You know last year we reached the second round打入第二轮. I think we will play much better this year.
John: definitely. I just can’t wait.
Dave: oh, oh, John, I’m afraid I can’t play on Sunday.
John: why not?
Dave: It’s Mother’s day. I’v promised my mom that I will take her to eat out.带她出去吃饭
John: Can’t you take her out on Saturday instead?
Dave: no. I’m booked on Saturday我(时间)排满了. I have two job interviews见工. I can’t afford to lose the chances.不能失去这些机会
John: so you are not going to join us this year?
Dave: I’d love to go. But I really don’t want to upset my mom. You know what I am saying.
John: How about buying her a nice gift instead?
Dave: No. A promise is a promise. I don’t want to b