
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 13:31:54
要在口语课中培养学生的思维能力,就要设计对学生思维水平有挑战性的活动。口语课既有训练语言技能的要求,也有培养思维能力的要求。要做到兼顾这两方面的要求, “说”必须和“读”或“听”相结合。实践证明,没有一定的语言材料作基础学生很难讨论那些有思维深度的问题。一方面学生有内容上的困难,不知从何说起;另一方面有语言上的困难,即缺少可以表达自己思想的英语词汇和句型。先读或先听,一方面给学生一种刺激,引起他们想说的愿望,另一方面读或听的材料中定为学生提供部分可用的材料和内容。归纳能力是在口语中比较重要的交际能力。为了加强学生这方面的能力,我们在教学中可以有意识地安排下列活动:Show what need to be improved in your study.why?学生经过集体的努力肯定能说出许多条。这时,可以继续要求他们将上述原因进行归类,同样我们可以用此方法讨论许多其他类似的问题。口语课上如果设计得当,可以有效地培养学生多角度看问题的能力。为了解决由于缺乏英美文化习俗的了解给学生带来的口语交际上的问题,我们的英语教师必须有意识地向他们灌输文化背景知识,在课堂讲授中注意文化点,并组织进行有针对性的操练,课外,也可以通过看报,听广播和看原版影视材料来让学生广泛接触和逐步丰富文化背景知识。学生在创新的过程中可以得到很大的乐趣,同时也增强了自信心,在心理上拉近了这两种文化的距离.

To foster the student's thinking ability in the vernacular speech lesson will design to have challenge activity to the student's thinking level.The vernacular speech lesson is current to train the request of language technical ability, there is also the request of[with] ability of the development thinking.To attain a request of looking after both sides this both side"say" have to with"read" or"listen to" combine together.The fulfillment proves having no certain language material's making foundation a student can hardly discuss those problems which have thinking depth.On the other hand the student has the difficulty of contents, don't know from what speak of;There is the difficulty of language on the other hand, then the want for can express English vocabulary and sentence construction that oneself thoughts.Read first or listen to first, give on the other hand a student 1 kind to stimulate, cause the wishes that they mean to say, read or