
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:42:30
Conversely, if the safety professional decides that it is more beneficial for employees to attempt to suppress small fires, it is imperative that appropriate personnel receive training on fire extinguishers.
It should be noted that fire extinguishers are designed to control small fires only. Fire extinguishers also can offer endangered employees a method for escape should they become trapped by a fire. A simple 30-minute to 1-hour training program on proper fire extinguisher operation could be a lifesaving tool for the employees at your facility. Many local fire departments will provide training on fire extinguisher use for facilities within their jurisdiction.
Lastly, certain circumstances, such as the hazard risks in the facility and response time of the local fire department, may require the establishment of an on-site fire brigade. Most organizations that have considered this option have elected not to pursue it if other options are available, due to the potential

反过来说,如果安全专业的决定,它更加有利于员工试图压制小火, 有必要适当人员接受培训,灭火器. 应当指出的灭火器旨在控制小火. 灭火器也能提供员工濒危的一种方法逃避他们陷入了火. 一个简单的30分钟至一小时的训练计画在适当的灭火器操作可能是一个救生工具,为雇员 在你的场所. 许多当地消防部门将提供培训灭火器使用的设施,其管辖范围. 最后,在某些情况下,由于风险的设施和响应时间当地消防部 可能需要建立一个在工地消防队. 大多数组织已经考虑过这个方案选出的不追究,但如果其他可供选择, 由于潜在的风险,向与会人员介绍,整体费用的配备和维护消防队 大量的设备需求和强制性培训要求. 安全专业考虑这个办法应该密切观察的要求下,29篇,1910.156.

最后也许特定的状况(比方说,设施的危险危险和地方消防署的应答时间)需要现场消防队的设立。假如能为潜在到正参加的人材(全具有消防队,相当器材要求和义务上训练必要条件,用来保持的成本)危险利用其他的取舍的话,考虑到这个取舍的大部分期间的组织不决定继续追那个||决定了。正考虑这个取舍的安全专业必须在29的CFR 1910.156下密切地估价必要条件。