
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 19:25:15
4.2 精看与泛看相结合 观看电影固然有耳濡目染,自然形成语感的作用,但如果缺乏了针对性,目的性,我们就无法达到预期的教学效果.组织学生泛看影片,使学生更多地感受电影的文化艺术氛围,了解文化背景,适应各种人物的语言.精看影片可满足学生的求知欲望,使他们对所学语言达到认知与应用电影教学与英语交际能力的培养 同步上升.
4.3 精心设计教学内容 教师应有针对性地设计提问,使学生带着问题观看电影;还可以采用反复播放,分段播放等教学手段,给学生进行模仿,复述,正误判断,配音等练习的机会;教师还可设计对影片的思想性,艺术性的讨论,使学生看完影片产生回味,激发思维热情,进而展开讨论和赏析,提高他们创造性地应用语言的能力.教师在发挥主导作用的同时应做到:第一,语言精炼,重点突出.教师的逻辑严密,精炼的言语可帮助学生进入最佳联想和思维状态,但过多的讲解只会破坏语境的连续性;第二,加强教学反馈.这有助于了解学生掌握教学内容的情况,及时调整,补充内容,做到教与学相互了解,保证教学顺利地进行;第三,扩充知识领域.电影语言包罗万象,每一电影情景和语言表达都涉及一大片文化.教师对英美地区的语言文化背景要有足够的了解,不断补充相关知识,完善自我,才能为电影语言的精讲注入活力.

4.2 precision can integrate with the pan-Physiognomy watched films have influenced course, the natural formation of a sense of the phrase, But if the lack of specific purpose, we will be unable to achieve the expected benefits. Pan-organized students to see the film, so that students feel more film culture and the arts atmosphere of understanding of cultural background, adapt to the language characters. precision watching movies can satisfy the desire for knowledge students, enable them to achieve language learning and application of knowledge and teaching English film communicative competence training up simultaneously.
4.3 carefully designed teaching teachers should specifically design questions, so that students with problems to watch the film; also can be used repeatedly broadcast section shows means of teaching students to imitate, to repeat, is mistaken judgment, dubbing such an opportunity to practice; Teachers can also design to the film's thoughtful, artistic disc