
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:21:00
【摘要】:在信息社会中,企业只有利用各种先进的管理方式和技术手段实现信息的高度集成,提高获取信息、分析、利用信息的能力,发展知识经济,才能在激烈的市场竞争中获取优势,随着市场经济的发展.各行各业为加强信息管理.提高经济效益的日益要求.迫切需要把现代化信息处理技术应用到经济管理工作中去。迅速发展起来的宾馆行业.为了提高自身的管理水平.加强竞争能力,提高经济效率等,需要动态掌握宾馆各个环节中信息的变更.必然离不开计算机的帮助。宾馆管理系统是在对宾馆的日常运作进行综合调查的基础上开发出来的一套系统。主要包括客房标准、客房信息、订房信息、结算信息、用户和密码进行管理,利用宾馆管理系统及时了解各个环节中信息的变更,有利于提高管理效率。系统以Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库,Delphi7.0为前台开发工具,运用自顶向下逐层分解的模块化结构设计思想、面向对象的设计方法,完成了管理系统的主要模块。
【关键词】宾馆管理 信息系统 数据库 结构设计 Delphi7.0

【Abstract】 :In an information society, enterprises only use of advanced management methods and information technology to achieve a high degree of integration, access to information, analysis, the ability to use information and knowledge economy, in order to fierce competition in the market access advantages, Along with the development of the market economy. Businesses to strengthen information management. Improving economic efficiency increased demand. The urgent need for modernization of information processing technology applied to the economic management work. Rapid development for the hotel industry. In order to improve their management level. Strengthen competitiveness, and increase economic efficiency, dynamic master Hotels need all the aspects of information changes. Necessarily inseparable from the computer help. Hotels Management System for Hotels in the day-to-day operation of a comprehensive survey conducted on the basis of the development of a system. Rooms include standa