
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:34:50
摘要:目的 探讨新生儿最佳抚触体位。方法 将108例足月分娩正常新生儿在抚触中随机分为两组,对照组采用常规的先仰后俯的抚触体位,观察组采用先俯后仰的抚触体位,观察新生儿抚触中是否安静、舒适、或哭闹不安等症状。结果 观察组上述症状明显少于对照组,
X2=11.18,P值<0.05。结论 取先俯后仰的体位进行抚触,新生儿更安全舒适,有利于自如地为新生儿抚触,更好地达到预期效果。


Abstract : The purpose of newborn touching the best position. Methods 108 cases of normal full-term newborns in the maternity massage randomly divided into two groups. control group using conventional first backstroke after touching pandering to the position, a first group of pandering backwards touching posture, observe whether newborn touching a quiet, comfortable, or cry anxiety symptoms. Results Group symptoms significantly lower than the control group, X2=11.18, P = "0.05. Conclusion backwards from the first prone position for touching, newborn safe and comfortable, conducive to free massage for newborns. better achieve the desired effect.
Keywords : Newborn; Touching; Posture