我想知道speak、ask 、say的区别?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 13:15:20


speak say的意思是:说。
speak to sb.
say sth.

固定搭配:ask sb. sth.
或者:ask for sth.

firstly, "say" is a vt. so the structure is "say sth.
secondly, "ask" alwaay put before the word"question"

speak is a vi. so you should put "out"or"of" after it.

this is my experience~~~


speak一般加语言 而ask一般用作问 有ask sb. to do sth. say则是说 常用作间接引语和直接引语

speak 用来指人们对语言的掌握或使用,也可单独用来表发言或说话的基本能力。 speak 不强调说话内容,不跟that 从句。speak 后常跟语言名称或打电话时用 于“Can I speak to sb”的句型中。
e.g. 1. She can speak English very well.
2.He didn’t speak at the meeting. (speak 这里表示发言)
2.say是最普通的用语。着重指说话的内容。say 后面一定要加说话的 内容,不能单独使用。say后面可加名词,代词或 that宾语从句。
e.g. 1. He said he would say something at the meeting.
2. Did you say anything in the meeting?
3. talk 一