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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 03:44:50
在人际交往中如何应用公关树立良好形象 这个题目



How to build up a nice behavior/appearance by mean of communication(public relation) in interpersonnal relationship. 题目

Interpersonnal relationship is the essence of mankind's existance and development. Looked into it from social developing traits in all ages, human can't be away from their congener, Man need to communicate with each other. The relationship between people and people could be named the most mysterious and abundant knowledge in the social development, also is the most vivid and active part of the mankind society. Consequently, it is very meaningful that applying the communication skills suitably to improve the confidence and ability in human relationship, and win the appreciation,support, cooperation and friendship from the public, also benefits for figuring a good image of individual and organization, and advances all business's success/achievement.

此处的公关个人觉得翻译成communication比较好,因为文中是将公关作为一种手段或方法,即现实生活中的沟通交流技巧. public r