
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 17:48:28
IFN biological assays. IFN antiviral activity was assayed biologically with
vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells (MDBK)
cells as previously described (6, 7). Briefly, supernatants of noninfected and
ASFV-infected macrophages were collected, clarified by high-speed centrifugation
(35,000 *g, 1 h), acidified at pH 2, and neutralized with NaOH. MDBK cells
were then incubated overnight with supernatants obtained from noninfected and
ASFV (Pr4 and Pr4△35)-infected macrophages and subsequently infected with
VSV strain New Jersey. Infected cells were overlaid with medium containing
carboxymethyl cellulose and incubated for 24 h. Plates were stained with crystal
violet and VSV plaques were counted. For antibody inhibition of IFN activity, an
anti-IFN-α antibody (PBL Biomedical Laboratories) was added to the supernatants
at a 1/100 dilution 2 h before incubation with the MDBK cells.

干扰素的生物活性. 干扰素的抗病毒活性生物与水泡性口炎病毒( vsv )两只-克利福德牛肾细胞(倍)细胞如以前 形容( 6 , 7 ) . 简单地说, 5.4%~8.2% noninfected和asfv感染噬细胞集,澄清了高速离心( 35,000 * g , 1小时) , 酸化pH为2后,用氢氧化钠. ;40细胞,然后孵育过夜上清所得noninfected和asfv ( pr4和pr4△35 ) -巨噬细胞感染,随后感染 用无声应变新泽西州. 感染细胞铺上中等含纤维素羧孵育24小时. 钢板,沾满水晶紫和无声奖牌计数. 抗体抑制干扰素活性, 一种抗干扰素α抗体( PBL的生物医学实验室)增列5.4%~8.2%在1 / 100稀释前2 h孵化 乙型肝炎的细胞.