
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:14:01
事情已经结束了,应该死的人最终死了,应该灭亡的朝代最终也灭亡了。无论经过了什么,我永远都无法忘记在这里发生的每一件事情。 每个人的内心如同这个世界,有太多我们未知的……

The matter has come to an end, the person who should eventually die, should perish dynasty ultimately perished. Whether through what, I will never forget that can happen here in every one of the things. Everyone's heart is like the world, we do not know too much ...

事情已经结束了,应该死的人最终死了,应该灭亡的朝代最终也灭亡了。无论经过了什么,我永远都无法忘记在这里发生的每一件事情。 每个人的内心如同这个世界,有太多我们未知的……



All is over. The person deserves to die died. the dynasty deserves to be destroyed perished eventually. whatever i have been through, i will never forget all the things that happened around here.Everyone's inner world is just like the world, too much to be known...

The matter has come to an end,the man who should be killed eventually died,and the perish dynasty .Whatever we through,I will never forget things that hanppened around here. we do not know too much about one's mind as we know the world.....

The matter has come to an end, the person who should eventually die, should perish dynasty ultimately perished. Whether through what, I will never forget that can happen here in every one of the things. Everyone's heart as this world, we have too many unknown ...