
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 04:26:56
The soft epoxy happens when the part A portion of the epoxy is depleted during lot processing. That is why only a portion of the lot is affected and the QC usually catches the error before shipment. As far as testing is concerned, the parts are guardbanded properly to ensure operation at extreme temperature ranges for the data sheet.

软环氧树脂时发生部份一部份的环氧树脂是消耗掉大量加工. 这就是为什么只有部分的地段是影响质量通常捕获的错误前中断. 据测试而言, 零部件所guardbanded适当行动,确保在极端的温度范围内的数据表.

软的环氧基树脂发生当环氧基树脂的部分被在处理的运气期间耗损的部份。 那是为什么只有运气的部分被影响,而且 QC 通常找出装船前的错误。 就测试来说,部份适当地是 guardbanded 为数据说明在极端的温差确定操作。