急用!翻译文章 History and Historians 6

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 22:43:23
We have now dug more deeply into the problems, but the answers may still not be sufficient to satisfy us. Again we ask the question why and the answer takes us more deeply into the causes of the events under consideration. As we probe further, of course, the answer becomes more difficult and more complex. The problems discussed earlier--- a theory of motivation and the selection of facts --- begin to become increasingly important, and disagreements among historians will begin to emerge. But the potential for another kind of disagreement also arises. The further back or the deeper the historian goes, the more factors there are to be considered and the more tenuous the connection between cause and effect becomes. Historians may disagree about the point at which to begin their analysis, that is, about the location of a point beyond which the causal connection becomes so tenuous as to be meaningless. We might argue that the ultimate cause of your being late to class was the fact that you w

我们现在已经研究更加深入的问题, 但答复也许仍然不是充足满足我们。我们再问问题为什么和答复深深地采取我们入事件的起因在研究中。当我们进一步探查, 当然, 答复变得更加困难和更加复杂。问题被谈论及早--- 刺激的理论和事实的选择--- 开始成为越来越重要, 和分歧在史学家之中将开始涌现。但在其它的潜力分歧并且出现。史学家进一步后面或深深地去, 更多因素那里将被考虑并且更细连接在起因和作用之间成为。史学家也许不同意关于开始他们的分析, 即, 关于点地点在之外原因连接变得很细是无意义的点。我们也许争辩说, 最后起因的您是晚分类是事实您是出生, 但这明显地回去太是意味深长的。您是出生是, 当然, 一个必要的因素--- 除非那发生了, 您不能是晚--- 但不是一个充足的因素; 它真正地不告诉足够今天解释您的行为。同样, 我们能追踪内战的起因回到在美国的发现上, 但再, 这是必要但不是充足的起因。起因是必要和充足的点不是不言而喻的。一部分, 点由史学家理论姿态确定。如果他们决定奴隶制是钥匙对了解来临内战, 点将位于某处沿奴隶制的历史的连续流在美国, 但同意的那些史学家奴隶制是钥匙对战争不一定将同意在什么点奴隶制变得必要和充足。他们也许从相关开始他们的讨论北方人态度在殖民地期间、冲突在奴隶制上在宪法大会, 密苏里妥协、1830 的好战的废除主义者运动, 和妥协1850. 期间但其它史学家也许争辩说, 奴隶制问题没有变得真正地重大直到它同西部土地的解决联系在一起。他们从密苏里妥协大概会开始他们的讨论, 并且他们会发现最相关的事实会是那些说明恐惧许多人有奴隶制扩展入新西部土地。