
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/29 01:56:46
1 中国会计国际化的现状,会计国际化一个很重要的方面,是会计准则国际化。目前世界各主要证券交易所,已拥有外国越来越多的上市公司。一个典型的例子,是德国奔驰公司在美国上市,按德国的会计准则,奔驰是盈利公司,但按美国的会计准则,他就变成了亏损公司。为此美国、日本、欧洲和东南亚国家,都在认真考虑会计准则国际化的问题。由于历史原因,我国的会计准则与国际化准则相比,还存在着较大的差距。这些差距主要体现在会计准则的数量上。目前国际会计准则委员已制定出41项具体会计准则,国际会计准则已较完备。美国会计准则已制定出了一百多项。我国目前只有十几项。相比之下,我国还有很多方面要完
2 中国会计准则国际化的进程
中国会计随着经济体制改革的深化,像我国的其他事物一样发生了很大的变化,在过去的20 年里,会计制度和会计准则建设经历了三个阶段。第一阶段:是从20世纪80年代到90年代初,制定了“两则”、“两制”。之前的10 年的改变,是中国会计制度改革和会计准则建设的理论探讨和局部发展阶段。第二阶段:是从1992 年到1997年,这5 年为中国会计制度的转换阶段。这里所说的转换,是从计划经济阶段的会计模式转向市场经济会计模式。其根本是确立了资产负债及所有权益等会计要素,这些要素,是计

International accounting refers to the international public accounting principles and methods to deal with and report to their own economic business, It is essentially IAS internationalization. A country in their own national interests, must geographical distinction, international-some developed countries accounting standards, according to the actual situation, in accordance with international norms and some of the experiences of advanced countries, the development of standardized accounting system and criteria also means the realization of international accounting. A Chinese international accounting of the status quo, international accounting of a very important aspect of international accounting standards. Currently the world's major stock exchanges, with more and more foreign companies listed on the market. A typical example is the German Daimler-Benz to list in the United States, according to German accounting standards, the B company is profitable, But according to U.S. acc