
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 04:16:32
藤子不二雄是两位画家联合创作使用的笔名。 他们是藤本弘和安孙子 素雄。藤本弘生于1933年12月1日,富山县高冈市人。安孙子素雄生于19 34年3月10日,富山县水见市人,从年龄上可以看出,他们与日本“漫画之神 ”手冢治虫是同一代人。这两位年龄只差3个月的画家,小学5年级的时候都在, 高市立定冢小学读书,是第二班的同学。1946年小学毕业后,藤本弘考入工艺 专科学校电气科,安孙子素雄升入高冈中学。由于对漫画的共同爱好,两个人一直 保持着密切的关系。 1947年, 在日本漫画史上具有划时代意义的一部新作『新宝岛』发表了 ,它的作者就是手冢治虫。这部作品对藤本和安孙子素雄产生了重大影响, 他们决 心毕生投入漫画事业。起初,他们一起绘制电影漫画,并且在藤本自制的反射式幻 灯机上放映,给附近的小朋友看,受到大家的欢迎。他们还向『少年漫画』等杂志 投稿,共同发行『环』和『小太阳』杂志。他们共同创作的连环漫画『天使阿玉』 被『小学生每日新闻』采用,连载了10章。

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Tengzigou the best male artist of two joint creative use of the pen name. They are vine hung and amphetamine--grandchildren. Vine Honsen in December 1, 1933, Toyama County high Gang City. Security--grandchildren born March 10, 1934, Toyama City in the county water, in terms of age, we can see that and Japan "comic god" with the character of a generation. This age was just two of the three artists, the fifth-grade students at the time, the bus schedules standing graves primary school, is the second class students. In 1946, after graduating from primary school, was admitted vine hung Electrical Technology College Division, On-grandchildren moved to a higher-secondary Gang. Because of the common love of comics, two people have maintained a close relationship. In 1947, the Japanese cartoon history of epoch-making significance for a new 』the New Taiwan issued. Its author is amazing. This works of vine-and amphetamine-grandson has had a major impact, th