汉译英 80字 悬赏20分 人工翻译

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/24 15:18:35

"The Merchant of Venice" is Shakespeare's comedy creation of a more successful with a certain social irony. The main plot revolves around a Jewish usurer Shylock and Antonio Merchant of Venice between the start of the conflict. Humanism plays with Antonio and others have been praised by the world.

"The merchant of Venice" is one of the successful comedies created by Shakespeare, in which there is certain sarcasm about the society. The main plot is about the conflict between the Jewish usurer Shylock and the venice merchant Antonio. Antonio who has humanism thoghts in this play is praised by the people all over the world.


“Venetian merchant” is one of Shakespeare's successful comedy .It has the certain society to satirize thesignificance. Its main plot is revolving Jew usury summer Locker andbetween the Venetian merchant Antonio's contradictory conflictlaunches. The play has the humanism thought person and so onAnt