
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 10:21:05

本文论述的是网上书店图书销售系统的设计与实现。本系统实现了对书店的图书销售及管理。开发工具主要包括ASP软件、SQL Server 2000以及Access 2003和Dreamweaver 8进行网页制作;开发语言包括VBscript、HTML等;所用操作系统为Windows XP。首先对系统进行初步的规划,采用B/S(Browser/Server,浏览器/服务器)结构模式来进行开发。其次,系统总体结构流程图形象、直观地介绍了系统的结构。再者,系统具体实现中阐述了数据库部分的操作以及系统各模块的功能及其实现,对设计过程中应用到的关键的技术及遇到的问题和解决方案进行了解释。

This paper discusses the online bookstore book sales system design and implementation. The system is used for the bookstore sales and library management. Tools include ASP software, SQL Server 2000 and Access 2003, and for Dreamweaver 8 web; VBscript, including the development of language, HTML; used by the operating system to Windows XP. Firstly, the system has been preliminary plan adopted B/S (Browser/Server. Browser / server) structural model for development. Secondly, the whole structure flowchart system image, and visual presentation of the system's structure. Furthermore, the system set out concrete realization of the database part of the operating system and the function of each module and its realization, on the design process of the application of key technologies and the problems encountered and solutions for the interpretation. Finally, the design of this objective, concise summary including the system's shortcomings and that the issue of the future prospects.