
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/09 00:28:56
深邃的眼神抵不住那英俊的脸庞,白色的衣衫盖不住那热腾的鲜血。是谁?令你拥有伊比利亚的力量,是谁?令你拥有亲吻戒指的光芒。出众的外表、华丽的脚法,却又不失忧伤 ,惨痛的失败、无奈的球荒,但又不忘坚强。怎愿悲伤,伯纳乌王子仍要飞翔!!
不要用翻译软件 的说

I you a supporter of China, and Xu to the scene I can not cry for you, refueling, My heart will always beat you with. Recently, I heard your next season Bainawu to leave, I think it is too hard to believe a. 是 ah, who would believe that a Bainawu struggled in 15 men will leave, Although you Bainawu usher in a further one of the stars and coaches, one after another of them away, but I believe that you have never thought about leaving, never ... you wrote a poem I hope you like : penetrating gaze fall that the handsome faces and white clothes that cover up its real hot Teng blood. Who? Ibero you have the power, who is? Have you kiss the rings of light. Outstanding appearance, gorgeous legs, and yet never lose sad, the tragic failure, frustration ball problem, but not forgotten firm. How is willing to sadness, Bainawu Prince still fly! ! Wish you good health and were more into the ball Oh, you look forward to once again hold the trophy moment. Ps : I hope you get the signatures of phot