朋友 请再帮我翻译点啊 也是化学专业的 这是一:

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:46:40
1 Materials and Methods
1.1 Material
Tapioca starches were commercial products (Min yang Co. China). Phosphoryl chloride (POC13) was purchase from Shanghai Chemical Reagent Works (Shanghai, China Salivary a -amylase (EC powder with specific activity of 470 units per milligram-protein was obtained from Sigm Chemical Company (St. Louis, MO). The total starch assa kit consisted of thermostable a-amylase solution, whil amyloglucosidase and GOPOD reagent were obtained from Megazyme Company (Ireland).
1.2 Methods
Cross-linked tapioca starches of various levels of cross- linking, expressed in terms of the degree of cross-linking (DC), were prepared according to the method of Felton and SchopmeyerE63 with some proper modification. While prepar-ing the high cross-linked starch the method of two-step cross-linking was used to avoid the low reaction efficiency for the large volume of sodium hydroxideM.The DCs of all the samples were analyzed by IS03946-1982 methodM. X

1 材料和方法 1.1 材料 珍珠粉淀粉是商品(极小的杨Co. 中国) 。Phosphoryl 氯化物(POC13) 是购买从上海化工试剂工作(上海, 中国唾液a - 淀粉酵素(EC 粉末以470 个单位的具体活动每毫克蛋白质被获得了从Sigm Chemical Company (圣路易斯, MO) 。总淀粉assa 成套工具包括的耐高温的淀粉酵素解答、whil amyloglucosidase 和GOPOD 试剂被获得了从Megazyme Company (爱尔兰) 。
1.2 方法
发怒连接的各种各样的水平被交互相联的珍珠粉淀粉, 被表达根据程度cross-linking (DC), 准备了根据Felton 和SchopmeyerE63 方法以一些适当的修改。当准备高的被交互相联的淀粉二步cross-linking 方法使用避免低反应效率为钠hydroxideM.The DCs 的大容量所有样品被IS03946-1982 methodM 分析了。X-射线diffractograms 被获得了与一个D 最大1200 个X-射线衍射计。
当地和被交互相联的珍珠粉淀粉是与氢结合的lyzed 由唾液阿尔法淀粉酵素根据Jenkin'si vitro 模型使用透析袋子模仿environmento 人体消化短文, 被描述在我们更加早期的study'90.2m1 dialysate 被抽样了在1, 2, 3, 4, 5 和6 hourso 孵出以后。数量被消化的碳水化合物在th dialysate 由使用检验了酚含硫acispectrophotometric method1'01 在490nm maltosea 关于。 抗性淀粉(RS) 在被交互相联的珍珠粉淀粉粒子和浆糊里在逆反以后由使用确定了Megazyme 总淀粉分析用试样成套工具(Megazyme Co 爱尔兰) 为了调查十字架的作用连接在RS 形成和酵素抵抗力。
成胶状的珍珠粉淀粉酶抵抗的变动由于逆反被学习了在1 %(W/W) 淀粉水混合物。淀粉水混合物- aconical 烧瓶被加热了在煮沸的热水锅为I0min 。在加热以后, 样品冷却了对室温和被保留了在0-40C 12 个小时, 并且他们的酶抵抗被检验了。